Bitcoin Silver: The true blockchain of trust, ethics and value

Designed to provide a valuable, reliable and faster network with continuous development for our users needs.

The Project


Our mission is to revolutionize the way value is preserved and enhanced through blockchain technology. We aim to build a community-driven, transparent, and trustworthy platform that provides a secure and sustainable reserve of value for the long term. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and fostering a cooperative environment, we strive to empower individuals and organizations to achieve financial sovereignty and stability.


We envision a world where financial security and growth are accessible to everyone. Our blockchain platform aspires to set a new standard for how value is stored and appreciated over time, transcending traditional financial systems. We see a future where our community thrives on collaboration, innovation, and trust, leading to a more equitable and prosperous global economy.

Together, through our mission, vision, and values, we are crafting a blockchain platform that redefines how value is preserved, creating a legacy of trust, transparency, and community-driven innovation. Join us in building a brighter, more secure future for everyone.

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  • Trustworthiness
    Trust is the cornerstone of our platform. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and reliability, ensuring that our users can depend on us to safeguard their assets and data with uncompromising integrity.
  • Transparency
    Transparency is at the heart of our operations. We believe that openness and accountability are essential to building a strong, resilient community. Our platform is designed to be fully transparent, with every transaction and process visible to our users, fostering an environment of mutual trust and understanding.
  • Community-Driven
    We are powered by our community. Every decision and development is made with the input and participation of our users. We value the collective wisdom and creativity of our community, recognizing that together, we can achieve far more than we ever could alone.
  • Innovation
    Innovation drives our progress. We are dedicated to constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies to improve our platform and offer cutting-edge solutions to our users. Our commitment to innovation ensures that we remain at the forefront of the blockchain industry, providing unparalleled value and opportunities.
  • Sustainability
    Long-term thinking guides our approach. We aim to create a platform that not only meets the needs of today but also secures the prosperity of future generations. Our sustainable practices ensure that our growth is responsible and beneficial for the entire ecosystem.
  • Empowerment
    Empowering our users is our ultimate goal. We provide the tools, resources, and knowledge needed for individuals and organizations to take control of their financial futures. By fostering an environment of learning and support, we help our community members realize their full potential.

Ensuring Trust and Security in BTCS

The BTCS team is dedicated to revitalizing the blockchain project with a focus on transparency, integrity, and community-driven innovation. Below are key questions and answers that highlight the team's efforts and commitments.

01 What is the main goal of the BTCS team?

The primary goal of the BTCS team is to restore trust and security in the Code by addressing critical issues and ensuring a fair and transparent protocol for investors and the entire ecosystem.

02 How is the BTCS team ensuring the protection of investor interests?

The team safeguarded all essential data prior to the crisis, which allowed them to protect investor interests and provide robust technical support for the project's restart.

03 What commitments is the BTCS team making to the community?

The BTCS team is committed to rebuilding the project with the highest standards of transparency and integrity. They ensure that all operations and updates are open to community members, achieving true open-source and community-driven innovation.

Our Roadmap

The BTCS team has meticulously planned our roadmap to ensure the project's success and sustainability. Below are our key missions and their current progress:

[Q3 2024] Select tech stack, code blockchain, start mining 100%
[Q4 2024] Improve infrastructure, build community, list on Tier 3 exchange 80%
[Q1 2025] Regular updates, sustainability initiatives, marketing 0%
[Q2 2025] Security audit 0%
[Q3 2025] Maintain infrastructure, enhance sustainability, list on Tier 2 exchange 0%
[Q4 2025/Q1 2026] P2P mobile exchange, milestone compliance, user engagement 0%
[Q2 2026/Q3 2026] Launch foundation, partnerships, list on Tier 1 exchange 0%


BTCS aims to create a secure and trustworthy reserve value digital asset with the following specifications:

Algorithm: SHA256

Utilizing the SHA256 algorithm to ensure secure and efficient hashing.

Block Time: 5 Minutes

Fast block generation time to enable quicker transaction confirmations.

Coin Maturity: 200 Blocks

Coins become spendable after 200 blocks to enhance security.

Maximum Supply: 21,470,000 BTCS

Capped supply to maintain value and prevent inflation.

Get Started Now!

Join us in revolutionizing the digital commodity asset concept and blockchain space. Start your journey with BTCS today and be a part of our community-driven project. Discover how you can contribute, participate, and benefit from a transparent and innovative digital asset ecosystem.


At BTCS, we have assembled a team of dedicated professionals with a shared vision of restoring trust and integrity in the cryptocurrency space.

Maurice S.


Because crypto rocks!

Elva P.

Pool Manager

Running the best pools in the world!


Heart of the community

Each community needs a hero.

Martin T.

Market Maker

If you need liquidity he's your men.

Panto T.

Marketing- / Community-Manager

Decentralization is the answer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ section covers essential information about our goals, security measures, community involvement, and more. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us!

What are the main goals of the BTCS project?

The BTCS project aims to restore credibility in the cryptocurrency space by ensuring a secure and transparent protocol. We focus on addressing previous issues, safeguarding data, and providing a robust platform for all stakeholders.

How does BTCS ensure the protection of investor interests?

We have implemented comprehensive data safeguarding measures and backup solutions to protect investor interests. Our proactive approach includes continuous monitoring and technical support to maintain the integrity and security of the project.

What is the BTCS team’s commitment to the community?

The BTCS team is dedicated to fostering an open and transparent environment. We are committed to keeping all operations and updates open to community members, ensuring that our project is truly community-driven and aligned with the highest standards of integrity.

How can I get involved with BTCS?

You can get involved by joining our community on Discord, exploring our GitHub repository, and participating in our discussions and development efforts. Additionally, you can start mining with our primary pools or track our progress using the Block Explorer.

What are the benefits of participating in the BTCS project?

By participating in the BTCS project, you benefit from being part of a fair and transparent cryptocurrency initiative. You'll have access to innovative features, the opportunity to contribute to a community-driven project, and the potential for valuable returns as the project grows and succeeds.